About Us
London Christians is a new organisation with the aim of enabling Christians from across London and the Home Counties to socialise with other Christians.
It exists to offer Christians the opportunities that are available to the secular world, whereby they can go to any pub, bar or club and meet new people all the time.
But where can Christians go to meet and socialise with other Christians?
The answer is virtually nowhere, except for their own church, which in most cases offers a very limited number of people with whom to socialise.
London Christians aims to address this and will offer regular parties and social events. The intention is that, in time, there will be a London Christians event every week, offering regular and frequent opportunities to meet new Christians, outside of any existing social circles.
Our guests will always be made to feel very welcome by our Christian hosts, whether you come with friends or on your own. We also intend to hold special outreach parties, where people will be encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends along to join in the fun.
So don't be shy. Come and join us at one of our events to find out more!
In the meantime, if you have any questions, or would like to find out any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us on: info@londonchristians.co.uk